
Non-urgent advice: Our Appointment system has now changed.

From Monday 16th October 2023 you are no longer required to call the surgery at 08:00 am for an appointment instead you can submit a medical query online from 08:00 am directly to the surgery. Your medical query will be triaged by the clinical team who will decide the most appropriate course of action.

Contact us Online

How do I submit a request? (Medical and Admin)

Patients can submit Medical and Admin requests. To contact the practice, please click the above “Contact us Online” button from 08.00am Monday to Friday (Excluding bank holidays).

Please note, requests will be suspended for the day if we become full to capacity. 

The practice team will triage all requests as quickly as possible and aim to respond within 24 hours. You will be contacted with a text response or by the admin team if an appointment is necessary. Patients should ensure that they are available for an appointment on the day that they submit a form for more urgent matters. If triaged as less urgent than appointments will be booked for a future time. Once the form has been reviewed, the clinician may decide that the patient would benefit from a face-to-face review rather than treatment over the telephone. You may be asked for more information to allow the Triage Team to book the most suitable appointment. 

The Triage Team may also direct you to another service if this is thought to be more suitable or provide you with advice to help you manage your condition yourself should a general practice appointment not be necessary.

Some appointments will be triaged to the afternoon, evening or Saturday appointment service with GP+ Swinton. This clinic is based at The Lakes Medical Centre Read more about the GP+ Swinton service (on Swinton Care website).

What do I do if I am unable to submit a request online?

If you are unable to submit a request online because you do not have access to the internet, please call the surgery for assistance on 0161 794 1604. Our admin team will complete the form with you, and this will then be passed on to the triage team.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE HOUSEBOUND – How do I request a home visit?

If you are housebound and may require advice or a home visit from a Clinician, please contact the surgery by telephone 0161 794 1604 before 10.30am. These requests will also be triaged by the team.

How do I make an appointment with the Nursing team?

You can book appointments with our Nursing team by calling reception 0161 794 1604.

Types of appointments

However you choose to contact us we may offer you a consultation:

  • By phone.
  • Face to face at the surgery.
  • By text or email.

Appointments by phone, text or email can be more flexible and often means the doctor or nurse can help you sooner.

How do I cancel an appointment?

If you no longer require your appointment, please make every effort to contact the surgery so that it can be made available to someone else. 

Help with your appointment

Please tell us:

  • If you need an interpreter.
  • If you have any other access or communication needs.

For More information on the triage system

Enhanced access

Evening and weekend appointments are available in the GP+ Enhanced Access Service at:

Silverdale Medical Practice, Pendlebury Health Centre, 659 Bolton Road, Pendlebury, Swinton, M27 8HP (Mon & Tues)

The Lakes Medical Practice, 21 Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 4AF (Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat)

Please ring your practice to book an appointment.

Help when we are closed

  • Call 111 for urgent help and advice.
  • Call 999 for a medical emergency.
  • Visit for help and advice.
  • For dental issues please ring the out of hours dental number on 0161 337 2246